Mitchell's Bay Marine Park Limited
3 Allen Road, Mitchell's Bay, Ontario NOP lL0
Phone: (519 354-8423 Email:
All Golf Cart Owners
Last year, we encountered a lot of problems that arose because of the misuse of golf carts.
These carts are being allowed as a privilege. They are not a right! Because our
campground is quite large, they serve a purpose of getting from one point to another.
However, last year, a few people were using these vehicles for a means of "recreation" -
excessively. There was a lot of"joy riding" and as a result, A LOT of complaints!! from
fellow campers. Not only do they create a lot of noise, but they also stir up a lot of dust
that other campers do not appreciate: Especially true of campers w
ho were barbecuing & had to eat their dust, along with their food.
For these reasons, as well as FOR THE SAFETY of everyone, we have no choice but to
restrict the use of them.
1. We must have a copy of your lnsurance Policy for our files covering golf cart use.
2. All carts have to register with us at the office and each cart will be required your lot identification number on it- which we will provide. This way, when people do complain to us, they will be able to identify the cart involved and if enough complaints are made, that person will loose their right to have a golf cart here in the park.
3. Must have a valid Driver's License.
4. No more people on a golf cart than what seating allows. Two per seat, and if there is a back seat, only 2 more.
5. All golf carts must stay on the roads.
6. No driving under the influence of alcohol and no alcohol on cart at all.
7. Anyone not obeying these rules and causing a disturbance will lose this privilege.
General Manager