Driving Directions


Mitchell's Bay Marine Park Limited
3 Allen Road,
Mitchell's Bay, Ontario
N0P 1L0 
Tel: (519) 354-8423


Directions to Mitchell's Bay from Detroit via the Ambassador Bridge or from Windsor, ON

Take 401 East to the second Tilbury exit (#63) onto Queen's Line (#2)

Turn right (East)

Go 3.8 miles and turn left on Merlin Road (#7) - (Sign indicating Pain Court)

Travel through to Prairie Siding - The road will bend to the right onto Riverview (#36)

Go half a mile then turn left, over bridge on Jacob Road (#35)

When over the bridge, go straight 1.3 miles then turn right onto Pain Court Line

Travel 2.6 miles and turn left at Pain Court onto Winter Line (#34)

Go 8 miles to Bay Line (#42) which is a four-way stop and turn left

Go approximately 1/2 Mile into Mitcell's Bay. Turn right onto Allen St.

Directions to Mitchell's Bay from Algonac via the Algonac/Walpole Island Ferry

Or From Bluewater Bridge, Sarnia

From the Hwy # 402, go to Hwy #40 - follow Hwy #40 South through Wallaceburg, turn

left at the Grain Elevators(Electric Line), follow the signs into Mitchell's Bay


Travel over the Walpole Island bridge onto Dufferin Avenue which will change to

Hwy 40 - Follow Hwy 40 straight through into town of Wallaceburg

Always follow Hwy 40 signs through Wallaceburg and continue in the direction of Chatham

When out of Wallaceburg, watch for grain elevators on right

Turn right on Electric Line

Electric Line will dead end at Bear Line - Turn left

Turn right on next road on Bay Line (#42)

Continue on Bay Line past the four-way stop at Winter Line into Mitchell's Bay

Go approximately 1/2 Mile into Mitcell's Bay. Turn right onto Allen St.

Directions to Mitchell's Bay from HWY # 401 (Near Chatham)

Take first exit to Chatham (Hwy 40)

Turn right at exit in direction of Chatham and follow Hwy 40 through Chatham in

direction of Wallaceburg

As you near Wallaceburg, watch for grain elevators on left

Turn left on Electric Line and follow directions as above


Mitchell's Bay Marine Park Limited
3 Allen Road,
Mitchell's Bay, Ontario
N0P 1L0 
Tel: (519) 354-8423
Fax: (519) 354-3289

Payment In Full
Upon Booking.


More Information on
Mitchell's Bay